Graduated PhD Students (listed in reversed chronological order of joining the group)
Graduated PhD Students:
Dr. Zhong GAO | defended on 2023-12-05 | Digitally Intensive Frequency Synthesis and Modulation Exploiting a Time-mode Arithmetic Unit | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Hieu Minh Nguyen | defended on 2023-01-30 | Edge-Combining Switched-Capacitor RFDAC | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Viet Anh Nguyen | defended on 2022-05-24 | Ultra-low-voltage VCO-based ADCs | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Yue CHEN | defended on 2022-04-28 | Supplu-Insensitive Frequency Synthesis for an LDO-Free Powering Scheme in SoCs | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Mohamed Atef | defended on 2022-03-30 | Rotary Traveling-Wave Oscillators for Millimeter-Wave Radars | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Jianglin Du | defended on 2021-09-27 | Reference Oversampling for Digital Frequency Synthesis | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Amir Bozorg | defended on 2021-09-24 | mm-wave/RF transceiver design | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Feifei Zhang | defended on 2021-03-18 | Digitally Compensated High Power And High Efficiency Mixing Rf-Dac (RF-DAC) | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Umanath R Kamath | defended on 2021-03-16 | BJT Based Precision Voltage Reference in FinFET Technology | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Suoping Hu | defended on 2021-01-06 | Phase-domain receiver for IoT | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Chao-Chieh Li | defended on 2020-12-14 | Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Ali Esmailiyan | defended on 2020-11-20 | Subthreshold, high speed flash ADC and Quantum computer circuit designing | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Hongying Wang | defended on 2020-01-31 | Passive Delta Sigma ADC/ Level-crossing ADC | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Kai XU | defended on 2020-01-24 | Merging of RF Oscillator and Power Amplifier to Enable Fully Integrated Transmitters for Internet-of-Things | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Feng-Wei Kuo | defended on 2019-09-27 | BLE Transceiver/4G Mobile PLL for Wireless Applications | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Naser Pourmousavian | defended on 2019-08-12 | Fully Integrated Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter in All-Digital PLL for IoT Applications | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Yizhe Hu | defended on 2019-07-17 | Flicker Noise Upconversion and Reduction Mechanisms in RF/Millimeter-Wave Oscillators for 5G Communications | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Augusto Ronchini Ximenes | defended on 2019-07-12 | Modular time-of-flight image sensor for light detection and ranging: A digital approach to LIDAR | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Zhirui Zong | defended on 2019-06-24 | High-Purity Digitally Intensive Frequency Synthesis Exploiting Milimeter | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Peng CHEN | defended on 2019-06-10 | Time Domain Converters and Ultra-Low-Power All-Digital Phase-Locked-Loop | University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland |
Dr. Mina Shahmohammadi | defended on 2016-12-01 | RF CMOS Oscillators for Cellular Applications | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Sandro Binsfeld Ferreira | defended on 2016-09-09 | Design of a SAW-Less CMOS Discrete-Time Receiver for Bluetooth Low Energy | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil |
Dr. Masoud Babaie | defended on 2016-06-09 | Power Efficient RF/mm-wave Oscillators and Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Iman Madadi | defended on 2015-10-16 | Fully Integrated SAW-Less Discrete-Time Superheterodyne Receiver | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Amir Reza Ahmadi Mehr | defended on 2015-09-28 | Design of RF Oscillators for Wireless Digital Transmitters | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Massuod Tohidian | defended on 2015-09-04 | Fully Integrated Discrete-Time Superheterodyne Receiver in Nano-Scale CMOS | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. David A. Calvillo Cortes (promotor only) |
defended on 2014-11-17 | Energy Efficient and Compact RF High-Power Amplifiers | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Imran Bashir | defended on 2014-11-05 | A Digitally Controlled Wide-band Frequency Modulator | University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA |
Dr. Seyed Morteza Alavi | defended on 2014-06-19 | All-Digital I/Q RF-DAC | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Wanghua Wu | defended on 2013-09-24 | Millimeter-Wave Digitally-Assisted Frequency Synthesizer in CMOS | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands |
Dr. Zhong GAO (defended his PhD thesis on 2023-12-05) is currently with a privte company in China. He received the BSc degree from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2011, and MSc degree from University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, in 2014.
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His research interests are:
1. Analog and mixed-signal IC design, e.g., PLL, TDC, ADC, etc,
2. Transceiver system design.
Dr. Hieu Minh Nguyen (defended his PhD thesis on 2023-01-30) is currently a postdoc. He received his MSc degree in Electronic Engineering and BSc degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, in 2016 and 2014.
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His research interests are:
1. Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design,
2. Radio Frequency IC Design,
3. RF-DAC, Fully Digital Transmitter for wideband,
4. Hybrid Data Converter for High-speed applications, Multimode LDO for Battery Charger,
5. TCAD modelling for CMOS device.
Dr. Viet Anh Nguyen (defended his PhD thesis on 2022-05-24) is currently a postdoc. He received his Masters degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 2017 and his Bachelors degree in Electronic and Communications Engineering in 2016, both from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland.
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His research interests are:
1. Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit design,
2. Data converters,
3. Time-mode data conversion and signal processing.
Dr. Yue CHEN (defended his PhD thesis on 2022-04-28) is currently with HiSilicon/Huawei in Shanghai. He recieved his MSc and BSc degrees in Electronic Engineering (Micro-Electronics) from Xi´an Jiaotong University, Xi´an, China, in 2014 and 2011, respectively.
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His research interests are:
1. Analog and mixed-signal IC design,
2. Digitally controlled oscillator, especially for low power applications,
3. ADPLL system design.
Dr. Mohamed Atef (defended his PhD thesis on 2022-03-30) currently working at Bosch in Limerick, Ireland, as a full-time IC designer. He joined UCD as a full-time student in May 2016. He received his MSc and BSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egipt, in 2016 and 2009, respectively. His MSc thesis was on designing low-noise wide-bandwidth all-digital phase-locked loops (ADPLL) based on noise-shaping time-to-digital converter (TDC). His BSc graduation project was about designing a spread spectrum clock generator for SATA II. He worked as an analog/mixed-signal IC design engineer at MEMS Vision in Cairo, Egypt, between 2010-2016.
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His research interests are:
1. Rotary traveling-wave oscillator (RTWO) for mm-wave,
2. Analog and mixed-signal circuit design,
3. All-digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL),
4. Noise-shaping time-to-digital converters,
5. RF circuits and systems.
Dr. Jianglin Du (defended his PhD thesis on 2021-09-27) is currently working as RF Engineer at ZEKU Technologies, Beijing, China. He received his MSc degree in Physical Electronics and BSc degree in Micro-Electronics from Jilin University, Jilin Province, China, in 2016 and 2013, respectively. He was Research Fellow in UCD on a quantum computing project funded by Enterprise Ireland.
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His research interests are:
1. Low voltage and low power oscillator,
2. Passive sampling digital phase locked loop design,
3. Phase domain receiver for BLE applications,
4. Grating coupler and filter design for silicon photonics.
Dr. Amir Bozorg (defended his PhD thesis on 2021-09-24) is currently working as a Research Fellow in UCD on a quantum computing project funded by Enterprise Ireland. Between Feb. 2017 and Jan. 2019, he was a part-time R&D scientist at S3 Semiconductor, currently Adesto Technology, in Dublin, Ireland. He has raised venture capital from Atlantic Bridge Ventures, Dublin, for commercializing an ADPLL-based phased-array transmitter for automotive radars. He is a co-author of an upcoming book on discrete-time receivers and has filed four patent applications in the field of RF-CMOS design. He has received his MSc degree from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran in 2012 in Microelectronics.
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His research interests are:
1. Radio frequency/mm-wave transceiver design,
2. Discrete-time filter and receiver designs,
3. All-digital phase locked loops.
Dr. Feifei Zhang (defended her PhD thesis on 2021-03-18) is currently working as a analog circuit designer in Movano, Cork, Ireland. She received her MSc of Microelectronics in Beijing Embedded Key Lab from Beijing University of Technology, China, in 2014, and BSc of Navigation guidance and control from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China in 2011.
List of publications:
Her research interests are:
2. Digital Calibrated Pipelined ADC,
3. Class-E PA.
Dr. Umanath R Kamath (defended his PhD thesis on 2021-03-16) is currently working at Meta (Facebook) in California. He was employed at SLAC National Accelerator Lab, Stanford, CA, between 2018-2022 and at Xilinx, Ireland between 2015-2018. He received his MSc degree from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands in 2012. He received his BSc degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India in 2009. Previously he has held positions at Cypress Semiconductors Ireland, CMOSIS Belgium, IMEC Belgium and Honeywell India.
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His research interests are:
1. Voltage and Current References,
2. Sensor Interface Circuits,
3. CMOS Temperature Sensors,
4. Sigma-Delta Converters.
Dr. Suoping Hu (defended his PhD thesis on 2021-01-06). He is working as a PLL circuit designer in Samsung, California. He received his MSc degree in Electronic Science and Technology (Professor Jiajun Zhou's group) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in March 2016. He received his BSc degree in Integrated Circuit and Integrated System from Tianjin University, China in July 2013.
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His research interests are:
• Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design,
• Transceivers design,
• Phase locked loops and frequency synthesizers,
• Analog to Digital Converter.
Dr. Chao-Chieh Li (defended his PhD thesis on 2020-12-14) is currently working as Design Engineer at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Hsinchu, Taiwan. He was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Nation Sun Yet-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 2005, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2007.
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His research interests are:
• All digital PLLs,
• IoT and energy harvesting applications.
Dr. Ali Esmailiyan (defended his PhD thesis on 2020-11-20) is currently working as Design Engineer at Equal1, Dublin, Ireland. He received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, in 2016. He received his BSc degree in Electronics Circuits and Systems from Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, in 2013.
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His research interests are:
• Analog and mixed-signal,
• Data converters integrated circuits,
• Biosensors and bioelectronics.
Dr. Hongying Wang (defended her PhD thesis at University College Dublin on 2020-01-31) is currently working as a Design Engineer at Qualcomm, Cambridge, UK. She received her MSc and BSc degrees in Microelectronics from Harbin Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang Province, China in 2016 and 2013, respectively. Her MSc and BSs theses are about Delta-Sigma A/D converter design.
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Her research interests are:
• Data converter design,
• Analog and mixed-signal Circuit design,
• RF system design.
Dr. Kai XU (defended his PhD thesis at University College Dublin on 2020-01-24) is currently working as an Assistant Professor in King's College London, London, UK. He received his MSc degree in Microelectronics from Peking University, Beijing, China, in July 2015. He received his BSc degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology from Shandong Normal University, China in July 2012. He was a visiting researcher at University of Ghent in Belgium.
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His research interests are:
• Mixed signal design for IEEE 802.11ah wireless transceiver,
• Wideband RFIC design (PA, LNA, Mixer),
• Modeling of high speed optical fiber communication systems,
• High speed equalizer design for Multimode Fiber links,
• Analog IC design (OPAMPs, Bandgap references).
Dr. Feng-Wei Kuo (defended his PhD thesis at University College Dublin on 2019-09-27) is currently working as Design Engineer at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received the M.S.E.E. degree in electronics engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. R.O.C., in 2007.
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His research interests are:
• Analog and mixed-signal IC design,
• RF and millimeter-wave transceivers design,
• All-digital phase locked loop frequency synthesizers,
• IoT and automotive radar System,
• Advanced package and advanced CMOS technology,
• High speed data-communication circuits,
• Optoelectronic materials and devices.
Dr. Naser Pourmousavian (defended his PhD thesis at University College Dublin on 2019-08-12) is currently working as analog engineer at Endura Technologies in Dublin, Ireland. He received his MSc degree (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium, in 2014. He received his BSc degree Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2012.
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His research interests are:
• Fully integrated switched-capacitors DC-DC converters,
• Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits design,
• Integrated power management.
Dr. Yizhe HU (defended his PhD thesis at University College Dublin on 2019-07-17) is currently a Principal Investigator (PI) of an MCCI research project at UCD. From 2013 to 2014, he was with Fudan University, Shanghai, China, where he was involved in RFIC design. From 2016 to 2017, he was consulting for the PLL Group of HiSilicon, Huawei Technologies, Shenzhen, China, designing DCOs and ADPLLs in 16nm FinFET technology.
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His research interests are:
• Architectures of PLL for FMCW radar applications: fractional-N, ADPLL, and mixed-mode,
• Mixed-signal circuit design,
• Current-mode signaling (CMS) scheme.
Dr. Augusto Ronchini Ximenes (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2019-07-12) is currently working for Meta (Facebook) in Oregon, USA. He received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering at State University of Campinas, Campinas in Brazil in July 2011. He did an internship at Xilinx in Dublin in Fall 2015 working on PLLs.
His research interests are:
• RF integrated circuits design,
• Microelectronics,
• Advanced analog integrated circuit design,
• Different topologies for LNA, active and passive mixers and power amplifiers, both for low power applications.
Dr. Zhirui Zong (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2019-06-24 on the topic of mm-wave frequency synthesis using a novel technique of third-harmonic generation and extraction) is currently working for NXP in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Before joining the team, he was a research assistant in RFIC group, Institute of Electromagnetics from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu.
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His research interests are:
• Multiple coupled inductors modeling,
• CMOS 40 GHz mixer design in a direct down‐conversion receiver,
• Accurate passive modeling in mm‐wave regime,
• Designed a down‐conversion mixer using current bleeding techniques in 90 nm CMOS technology.
Dr. Peng CHEN (defended his PhD thesis at University College Dublin on 2019-06-10) is co-founder of a startup company currently working in Cork, Ireland. He received his MSc degree in Microelectronic at TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands, in September 2014 (MSc thesis done at IMEC Holst Center in Eindhoven, NL) and worked for one year for Huawei in Amsterdam.
He was a visiting researcher at University of Macau.
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His research interests are:
• Sigma-delta TDC in TSMC 40 nm technology,
• DTC which is also used in a new ADPLL,
• ADPLL for blue tooth application.
Dr. Mina Shahmohammadi (defended her PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2016-12-01) is working as RF circuit designer at NXP (former Catena), Delft, NL. Prior to her PhD, she received her MSc degree in Electronics from Tehran university, Iran in 2007. She received her BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Amir Kabir University of Technology in 2004.
Her research interests are:
• Wide-band low phase noise DCO,
• ADPLL system design,
• Smart temperature sensors.
Dr. Sandro Binsfeld Ferreira (defended his PhD thesis on 2016-09-09) is currently working as RFIC consultant for Orca Systems, California, USA. He received his BSEE degree from Technology Institute of Aeronautics in 1996, and his MSEE degree from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2005, and PhD from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 2016. Throughout 2014, he was a visiting PhD researcher at TU-Delft. From 1996 to 2008, he worked as radio-link and satellite communications engineer in the Brazilian Air Force. From 2008 to 2013, he was an RFIC design instructor in the IC Brazil Program.
His PhD thesis had two advisors: 1) Prof. Dr. Sergio Bampi as a main advisor, and 2) Prof. Staszewski as a co-advisor.
Sandro Binsfeld Ferreira has won the prestigious 2016 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Student Travel Grant Award.
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His research interests are:
• Ultra-low power discrete-time receiver (DT-RX) frontends,
• RF system level design.
Dr. Masoud Babaie (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2016-06-09 with cum laude distinction) is now tenured Assistant Professor in TU Delft, Delft, NL. Prior to his PhD, He received the BSc degree (with highest honors) from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran in 2004, and the MSc degree from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2006, both in Electrical Engineering.
Masoud Babaie has won the prestigious IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Predoctoral Achievement Award 2015-2016. Given to promising graduate students, the award mainly consists of a fully sponsored trip to ISSCC2016. He is a leading author of two JSSC journal, and ISSCC, RFIC and ECCTD conference papers.
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His research interests are:
• Wireless communication systems,
• RF and mm-wave circuits (oscillator, power amplifier, PLL, Mixer,...),
• Mixed-Mode circuit design.
Dr. Iman Madadi (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2015-10-16) is now a co-founder of Qualinx BV, Delft, NL. Prior to his PhD, he received his MSc degree in Electronics Circuit & System, ECE Department, University of Tehran (UT), Iran, 2007-2009.
His research interests are:
• Multi-standard discrete-time receiver (DT-RX) frontend,
• Switch-capacitor (SC) circuits/discrete-time analog signal processing.
Dr. Amir-Reza Ahmadi-Mehr (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2015-09-28) is now a co-founder of Qualinx BV, Delft, NL. He specializes in radio frequency generation circuit for high performance and multi-channel systems. Prior to his PhD, he received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran, in 2010.
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His research interests are:
• RF, analog and mixed-mode integrated circuits systems for wireless communications,
• All-digital frequency synthesizers,
• High purity oscillators,
• All-digital RF modulator.
Dr. Massuod Tohidian (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2015-09-04 with cum laude distinction) is now a co-founder of Qualinx BV, Delft, NL. He specializes in discrete-time recievers and RF oscillators. Prior to his PhD, he received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran, in 2006. Massoud is a leading author of two ISSCC, and an RFIC papers.
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His research interests are:
• Multi-standard discrete-time receiver (DT-RX) frontend,
• Phase noise calculation and reduction methods in oscillators.
Dr. Imran Bashir received the BSEE degree from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2001 and the MSEE and PhD degree from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2008 and 2014, respectively. He joined Texas Instruments in 2002 and was elected the prestigious title of Group Member of Technical Staff in 2006 for his contribution towards the production of world’s first GSM/EDGE SoCs based on the Digital RF Processor (DRP) technology. In 2009, he joined nVidia as an RFIC Verification Engineer. He has been with Senseeker Engineering Inc. since April 2014. Imran has three patents in the field of RF SoCs and has frequently authored and co-authored journal and conference papers in this field with Prof. Staszewski, who was also his PhD thesis co-advisor (together with Prof. Poras T. Balsara).
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His research interests are:
• RF Design,
• RF Testing.
Dr. Seyed Morteza Alavi (defended his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2014-06-19) is co-founder of Ditiq BV, Delft, NL. He specializes in designing power-efficient wide-bandwidth digital RF I/Q transmitters. He received his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran, in 2006.
Morteza received “Best Student Paper Award– 2nd Place" at 2013 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium” in Seattle, USA. He is a leading author of two TMTT transaction papers.
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His research interests are:
• All-digital I/Q RF digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC),
• Power amplifier.
Dr. Wanghua Wu (defended her PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology on 2013-09-24) is now working at Marvell, California, USA. She specializes in mm-wave and mixed-signal circuit design. She received two MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from both Fudan University, Shanghai, China and Delft University of Technology (cum laude), Netherlands in 2007. Wanghua Wu received the second-prize award ($5,000) in the Broadcom University Research Competition for the 60GHz ADPLL
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Her research experiences are:
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Researcher (July 2007 - Nov 2013)
• Designed the first 60-GHz all-digital PLL(ADPLL) with programmable wideband frequency modulation capability in 65-nm CMOS (from system modeling to IC implementation and testing software development).
• Designed a 60-GHz FMCW radar transmitter using digitally intensive techniques in 65-nm CMOS.
• Designed two high resolution 60-GHz digitally controlled oscillators with different capacitance reduction techniques in 90-nm CMOS.
• Designed a 20-GHz low phase noise oscillator driving a tripler for a 60-GHz analog PLL RF front-end in 65-nm CMOS.
Design Engineer Intern (May 2006 – March 2007)
• Designed a 17-GHz receiver front-end for ultra-low power wireless sensor network in 0.25-µm SiGe BiCMOS technology.