Our lab and equipments: Room 021 in Engineering and Materials Science Centre
Keysight Technologies M8195A Arbitrary Waveform Generator The R&S®SMA100B RF and microwave signal generator which provides modulated signal from 8 Khz upto 6 GHz with exteremely low close-in SSB phase noise which can be used to .
• M8195A ArbitraryWaveform Generator 65GSa/s,
• M8195A-16GUpgrade to 16 GSa Memory,
• M8195A-004ArbitraryWaveform Generator, 4 Channels,65 GSa/s,
• M8195A-BU2Bundle consistingof one M9502A 2-slot AXIe Chassis,
• M9048B PCIe Host Adapter: Single Port (x8).
ROHDE &SCHWARZ SMA100B Signal Generator 8kHz - 6 GHz.The R&S®SMA100B RF and microwave signal generator delivers uncompromising maximum performance.
• SMA100B Signal generator,
• SMAB-B93, Height unit 3 HU,frequency option (R&S®SMAB-B103/B106/,
• SMAB-B106, Frequency range: 8 kHz to 6 GHz,
• SMAB-B711 Ultra low phase noise,
• SMAB-B29, Differential clock synthesizer up to 3 GHz,
• SMAB-K22 Pulse modulator,
• SMAB-K720, SMAB-K722.
Keysight Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyzer and Semiconductor Characterization System Mainframe B1500A. Keysight B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer of Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series is an all in one analyser supporting IV, CV, pulse/dynamic IV, etc. providing all-round characterization of devices, materials, semiconductors, active/passive components. B1500A’s modular architecture with ten available slots allows add measurement modules.
• Keysight EasyEXPERT group+ GUI based characterization software included/installed on embedded Windows 10 platform with 15-inch touch screen,
• EasyEXPERT includes several ready-to-use application tests and also the option of storing test condition and measurement data automatically after each measurement,
• Keysight EasyEXPERT can be also freely downloaded and installed in PCs running windows to control measurements remotely via GPIB connection and store data locally,
• More information Link here.
Keithley Source Meter Unit 2450 offers four-quadrant precision voltage and current source/load coupled with measurement, touchscreen user interface. Instruments can simultaneously source and measure current and/or voltage.
SMU 2450 can be remotely controlled via LAN or GPIB and can be configured for TSP or SCPI programming.
• 20mV to 200V voltage, 10nA to 1A current measurement,
• Capabilities of analysers, curve tracers and I-V systems,
• Five-inch, high resolution capacitive touchscreen GUI, maximum output power of 20W,
• 0.012% basic accuracy, listed to UL61010-1 and UL61010-2-30, 0 to 50°C operating temperature,
• Front panel input banana jacks; rear panel input triaxial connections,
• Source and sink (four quadrant) operation, built-in, context sensitive front panel help,
• Four quickset modes for fast setup and measurements, GPIB, USB 2.0 and LXI/Ethernet interfaces,
• Front panel USB memory port for storing data, programming, instrument configurations, and to upgrade the unit,
• More information and manuals on Link here.
Keysight Waveform Generator 33600A Keysight 33600A Series waveform generators with Trueform Technology offer greater capability, fidelity and flexibility than previous generation Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) waveform generators.
• Waveform generation up to 1GSa/s and 64MSa,
• Full bandwidth sine and square waves,
• Lowest Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in its class,
• High bandwidth pulse,
• Set leading and trailing edge independently,
• Provide standard Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences (PRBS) patterns,
• 2-channel coupling,
• Combining signals - sum two signals together,
• Low voltage settings,
• More information on Link here.
Rhode & Schwartz Oscilloscope HMO 3004 Designed as daily problem-solving tool. The standard MSO functionality allows you to analyze all analogue channels plus up to an additional 16 digital channels. The 6 different models are available in a bandwidth of 300 MHz to 500 MHz with 2 or 4 channels. All models in the HMO3000 series with 300 MHz or 400 MHz can be extended via software upgrades to 500 MHz bandwidth whenever required.
• 4Gsample/s sampling rate, 8Msample memory depth,
• High vertical sensitivity down to 1mV/div,
• Low-noise measurement due to state-of-the-art A/D converter,
• High acquisition rate to identify signal faults,
• Segmented memory and manually adjustable memory depth.
Keysight Digital Multi-Meter 34461A Keysight’s NEW Truevolt Digital Multimeters (DMMs) offer a full range of measurement capabilities and price points with higher levels of accuracy, speed, and resolution. Truevolt DMM's graphical capabilities such as trend and histogram charts offer more insights quickly. Both models also provide a data logging mode for easier trend analysis and a digitizing mode for capturing transients.
• Measure with confidence, with 35 ppm basic DCV accuracy,
• Test low power devices with low DC current measurement range from 100 µA to 10A,
• Flexibly automate measurements over USB or LAN/LXI core interface,
• More information on Link here.
The KEYSIGHT DSAV334A is a real time oscilloscope at 33GHz. It can be used as single test equipment or it can be combined with other test equipment for signal integrity (TDR/TDT)/LTE characterisation, etc..
• True analog bandwidth,
• Configured with 500 Mpts per channel but can go up to 2 Gpts memory,
• Lowest jitter measurement floor (<100 fs),
• 80 GSa/s sample rate 2 channels / 40 GSa/s sample rate 4 channel,
• Spurious frequency dynamic range (SFDR) exceeding 50 dBC.
The high-performance R&S 2Hz–85GHz FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyser accomplish the most demanding tasks. It’s wide internal analysis bandwidth allows the characterization of wideband components and communications systems. The instrument's unparalleled phase noise facilitates the development of high performance oscillators such as those used in radars.
• It offers up to 5 GHz analysis bandwidth for measuring wideband modulated or frequency agile signals like those used in the new 5G New Radio standard or in automotive and pulsed radars,
• The 500 MHz real-time analysis bandwidth allows users to monitor wide portions of the spectrum and trigger on short duration signals,
• The R&S FSW can measure multiple standards simultaneously. Users can quickly and easily detect and eliminate errors caused by interaction between signals,
• Featuring a multi-touch display and intuitive menu structure, the R&S FSW offers exceptional ease of operation,
• Various measurements can be displayed simultaneously in separate windows on the large 12.1" screen, which greatly facilitates result interpretation.
The MPI TS150-THZ is the first, worldwide 150 mm dedicated probe station designed explicitly for mmW and THz on-wafer measurements up to 1.5 THz and beyond. With significant expansion of emerging THz applications, such as high-speed 5G communication, satellites, non-invasive spectroscopy, security and surveillance, medical and health care equipment, and short range automotive radar, the need for accurate, reliable and repeatable measurement data has become more crucial than ever. It provides unsurpassed features:
• Seamless integration of any banded, differential or broadband frequency extenders up to 1.5 TH,
• Maximum on mechanical stability and repeatability combined with convenient and safety operation,
• Minimizing the measurement path for best possible measurement directivity.
The 81110A is dual channel pulse pattern generator configured with the module 81112A at 330 MHz.. It provides full control over all pulse parameters like, timing, levels and edges.
• 2 channels, Up to 3.8Vpp (50 Ohm into 50 Ohm),
• Selectable transition times 800ps/1.6 ns,
• Internal and external clocking,
• 1 MHz to 330 MHz repetition rate,
• Glitch-free timing changes,
• Triggerable or internal PLL, Differential outputs,
• Data patterns,
• Pseudo random binary sequence(PRBS) generation.
The RIGOL DG5252 a multipurpose generator combining different capabilities including Function Generation, Arbitrary Waveform Generation, IQ Baseband Source/IQ IF Source, Frequency Hopping Source (optional) and Pattern Generation (optional)..
• 250 MHz bandwidth,
• 1 GSa/Sec waveform output,
• 14 bit vertical resolution,
• 128 Million Points of Arbitrary Waveform Memory.
The HP 6625A SYSTEM DC POWER SUPPLY is a programmable linear DC Power Supply with dual output with high resolution. The two isolated outputs are integrated into one package. This power supply help reduce test time with fast up and down programming, which is enhanced by the active down programmer which can sink the full rated current. The accuracy of both the programming and the measurement system allow precise control and monitoring of prototype bias power. The power supply can be controlled from either the front panel keypad or, for automated testing, from the GPIB interface.
• Low-range volts, amps 25W: 0-7 V, 0-15 mA,
• Low-range volts, 50W: 0-16 V, 0-200 mA,
• High range volts, amps 25W: 0-50 V, 0-500 mA,
• High range volts, 50W: 0-50 V, 0-1 A or, 0-16 V, 0-2 A,
• Voltage 25W: 0.016% + 1.5 mV (low), 10 mV (high),
• Voltage 50W: 0.016% + 53 mV (low), 10 mV (high).
The Agilent E4405B ESA-E is series general purpose is a portable spectrum analyzer can be used for a wide range of applications from aerospace and defense to the manufacturing line. It offers a frequency range starting at 100Hz and ending at 13.2GHz.
• .4 dB overall amplitude accuracy,
• +16 dBm TOI,
• -167 dBm DANL, with internal preampy,
• 5 minute warm-up to guaranteed measurement accuracy,
• Segmented sweep for up to 32 discontinuous spans in one sweep.
digital multimeter (DMM) is the new replacement for the 34401A DMM. The 34461A offers everything you’ve come to expect from the industry-standard 34401A with new display capabilities, Truevolt measurement performance and the industry’s only solution with 100%, drop-in 34401A compatibility.
• includes USB, LAN/LXI, GPIB interface,
• Color, graphical display with built-in bar chart, histogram, trend, math, and statistics,
• Segmented sweep for up to 32 discontinuous spans in one sweep,
• 12 measurement functions: DC/AC voltage, DC/AC current, 2- and 4-wire resistance, Diode, Continuity, Frequency, Period, Temperature, capacitance,
• Basic accuracy: 0.0035% DC, 0.06% AC,
• 1000 V max voltage input, 10 A max current input.
The Gw INSTEK PPT-1830 The PPT Series are 3-channel, programmable linear DC power supplies with 138/126W outputs. The PPT Series feature OVP and OCP protection and are compliant with all major safety standards (UL, CSA, and IEC) for safe, reliable operation. For extra precision, the PPT Series include remote sensing that add an extra level of precision by compensating cable losses between loads.
• Easy operation with UP/DOWN key,
• High Resolution: 10mV, 1mA,
• 50 Sets memory,
• Self test and software calibration,
• Meets UL CSA IEC Safety Regulation,
• Over voltage protection, over current protection by hardware,
• IEEE-488.2 and SCPI Compatible Command set.
The E5052B 10 MHz to 7 GHz Signal Source Analyzer features a number of enhanced performance characteristics, partially shown in the key features above. And it offers world's highest measurement throughput and best usability in characterizing VCO or other types of high frequency signal sources, as well as clock jitter evaluation in high-speed data communication systems. E5052B's frequency range can be extended up to 26.5 GHz with the E5053A, and up to 110 GHz with the E5053A plus Keysight 11970 series mixers.
• RF Input frequency range: 10 MHz to 7 GHz,
• Analysis offset frequency range: 1 Hz to 100 MHz,
• Phase noise measurement with ultra low noise floor and a cross-correlation method,
• Baseband noise measurement from 1 Hz to 100 MHz,
• Spectrum monitoring up to 15 MHz span in a real-time mode,
• Frequency transient capture range: up to 80 MHz in narrow band, up to 4.8 GHz in wide band.
Rohde & Schwarz SMA100A, 9 kHz to 6 GHz Signal quality, speed and flexibility – these are the criteria by which signal generators are measured today.
• Frequency Range:9 kHz to 6 GHz,
• Frequency Setting Time: ‹ 1.2ms,
• Internal source for AM/FM/øM,
• High Performance Pulse Generator,
• Multifunction Generator, Clock Synthesizer,
• Phase noise performance,
• Level Range:, –145 dBm to +18 dBm (up to +28 dBm overrange).
The N5173B analogue Signal Generator is used for measurements that requires CW (Continuous Wave) Signal and it includes USB, LAN/LXI and GPIB interface.
• Frequency Range: 9KHz to 20GHz,
• Output power of +30dBm to -130 dBm.
Keysight Technologies 16854A Series portable logic analysers offer the highest performance, with deep, high speed timing and state measurements, combined with the applications and usability your digital development teams need to debug their modern systems. Probing with differential probes direct connect flying lead and Soft Touch Pro.
• 136 channels,
• Timing analysis (asynchronous sampling),
• 2.5 GHz / 5 GHz (400 ps / 200 ps) conventional and transitional timing analysis in deep memory (full / half channel)
Up to 128M / 256M deep memory (full / half channel),
• 12.5 GHz (80 ps) Timing Zoom with 256 K memory,
• State analysis (synchronous sampling),
• 700 MHz state clock / 1400 Mbps data rate,
• Up to 128M deep memory,
• Reliable measurements on eye openings as small as 200 ps by 100 mV.
The Keysight Technologies E5053A microwave downconverter is designed to operate wit the E5052B signal source analyser (SSA). When configured with the E5053A microwave downconverter, the E5052B SSA offers exceptional phase noise sensitivity up to 26.5 GHz. Additionally, combining a pair of 11970 series harmonic mixers offers.
The Leica M80 is a compact stereomicroscope with an 8:1 zoom and a standard magnification of 7.5x-60x combining all the properties from a first-class routine microscope: flexibility, convenience, low maintenance and, of course, first-class imaging performance. It was designed specifically for use with Leica LED illumination systems. Unlike conventional light sources, LED light solutions use up to 90% less power, provide excellent illumination and reduce costs thanks to their durability. Any costs for expensive replacement lamps are eliminated due to the LED's service life of approx. 50,000 operating hours. It’s ideal for assembly and inspections of test samples such as circuit boards and ICs.
33622A Waveform Generator, 120 MHz, 2-Channel Trueform arbitrary waveforms with sequencing for more accurate representation of user defined signals. Sine waves with 5x lower harmonic distortion for more pure signals. 1 GSa/s sampling rate for higher time resolution arbitrary waveforms
• Pulses up to 100 MHz with <1 ps jitter for more precise timing,
• 14-bit resolution with 1 mVpp to 10 Vpp amplitude for greater amplitude accuracy,
• 4 MSa/channel standard waveform memory, optional 64 MSa/channel for your longest waveforms.
Wire Bonder TPT HB16
• Thermo-sonic wire bonder for wedge and ball bonding,
• Ultrasonic, thermos-compression and thermo-sonic capability,
• Sample (chip) holder heated up to 250 °C, bonding tool hateable,
• Gold or AlSi wires with diameters from 17 µm up to 75 µm and up to 25 µm x 250 µm ribbon compatible,
• Adjustable wire loop between first and second bond with motorized holder movement,
• Controlling software allows possibility to store up to 100 recipes.
DS360, Low Distortion Function Generator
The 10 MHz to 200 kHz range performance of a low distortion analog source (‹-100 dBc distortion to 20 kHz) and the precision of direct digital synthesis (DDS) is combined in the DS360 With less than 0.001 % total harmonic distortion (THD).
• 25 ppm frequency accuracy,
• and a broad range of features including sweeps and bursts.
Rohde & Schwarz HMO3054
The HMO3054 offers the solution for current requirements in regards to bandwidth, sampling rate and memory depth. It’s bandwidth of up to 500 MHz allows the Instrument to set a new milestone in the development of high performance mixed-signal oscilloscope.
• Trigger modes: slope (A/B), pulse width, video, logic, serial buses (optional), hold-off,
• 4GSa/s real time, low noise flash A/D converter,
• Real-time FFT (dBm, dBV, Vrms), up to 64 kPts,
• Automatically or manually adjustable memory depth,
• Vertical sensitivity up to 1 mV/div,
• 6-digit hardware counter,
• 28 auto measurement parameters plus statistics, formula editor, ratio cursor.